Morgan Stanley Report on Youth: Unless you've been under a rock, or living in L.A. with the all consuming coverage of all things related to Michael Jackson, you'd be hard pressed to have missed the report on youth media consumption complied by a teen intern at Morgan Stanley. Naturally, everyone has their own take, but most agree that teens don't Tweet. Why? It's a safety thing...don't teens know that they can make their updates private? [Barking Robot] [TIME] [Guardian] [Mobile Behavior] [Business Week] [Marketing Charts] [Mediate] [TechCrunch] [Twitter Support]
Tweet o' the Week: 'I hope to hell people tweet at my funeral. I'm of a different generation, but if I die, there had better be a party." (via @AmberCadabra).
Student Village & South Africa Youth: Marc Kornberger, co-founder of Student Village in 2001 helps companies
and brands market their products to the 18-25 youth on campuses across
South Africa. Marc has a great post titled, "Six Things You Need to Know About Youth Marketing in South Africa." Good work Marc! [Crammed] [Student Village]
Wisdom from a Gen Y Entrepreneur:
Vanessa Patton, a Millennial entrepreneur, shares what she's learned
about starting her own business. Also, if you're a Gen Y entrepreneur,
be sure to add yourself to the Under 30 CEO list started by Derek Johnson of Tatango. [Gen Y Guide]
Teen Returns from Solo Sailing Trip Around the World: Zac Sunderland,
17, has become the youngest person to sail around the world alone after
docking in Marina del Rey shortly after 10 a.m. His 13-month journey
covered about 28,000 miles. What an *amazing* and brave young man. Wow. [ABC 7 LA]
Cool Youth Brands: Graham D. Brown over at mobileYouth has a great round up of Cool Youth Brands, including: Absolut, Apple, Red Bull, Facebook, Twitter, Levi’s, Pepsi, Coke, KFC, McDonald’s, Toyota Scion & Adidas. [mobileYouth]
McTween: Tweens are overlooked in the world of fast food. Too hungry for a kids
meal and parents are not ready to pay the high price for an adult
meal. Thank goodness tweens love the dollar menu and think that it's
cool. []
Mosque Jams Cell Phones: A device which blocks mobile phone signals has answered the prayers of some Kenyan Muslims. As the world and the web get progressively mobile, there will continue to be a generational tug of war between people, the mobile web and machines. [BBC] [GigaOM] [MobileBehavior]
Google Looks to Campus for Cloud Converts: "Google's got a not-so-secret weapon in its bid to convert the world to
applications such as Gmail, Google Docs, Google Talk, Google Sites and,
soon, Google's Chrome operating system: the 17 million college students
on more than 4,000 campuses across the country."
I wonder if, in light of Twittergate, Gen Y's will reconsider using cloud based services? Speaking of which, Dell and Stoneware have teamed up to provide a 'private cloud' solution for the education market. [AdAge] [Royal Treatment] [TechCrunch]
More on Hispanic Youth Marketing: Over on the always excellent Engage:Teens blog, Jose Villa explains why the Hispanic youth market is too large to ignore, while Iconoculture shares the findings of a new report on Hispanic youth and happiness. Also related: my blog post on Hispanic youth demographics & texting habits. [Engage:Teens] [Iconowatch] [Barking Robot]
One Last Thing: Gen Y's not that into you, debating the future prospects for the cast of the teen reality show 'NYC Prep', hey kids......Facebook is forever!, 2/3 of the adult population are 'ambivalent' about the mobile web, teens are buying less music, US Teen SMS up 100% in year and finally.......why teens are leaving Facebook and where they're headed. [Harvard Business] [NY Daily News] [MediaPost] [Marketing Charts] [Josh Dhaliwal] [TwentySet]
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