There has been a lot of debate about the existence of digital natives. Yes, it's a somewhat cringe worthy term, but there's no doubt that technology has an incredible impact on children. Take for example this video of a baby using an iPad. It's pretty amazing.
"Submitted for your approval, a child introduced to the iPad at a young age, exposed to its various delights of light and sound, unable to comprehend a magazine. The video shows that this 1-year-old baby, after being introduced to an iPad, has become trained by its (admittedly elegant) user interface to repeatedly try and use a glossy magazine the same way.
Needless to say, it doesn’t work.
Of course, on one level this is cute, but on another, it could speak to the incredibly powerful way the technological innovations of the past 15 years or so will affect the next generation of human beings.
We have generally thought of technology as being something hard to grasp and hard to teach, but this video seems to illustrate that that has fundamentally changed. Forever." (via)
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