In this Vodaphone Digital Parenting Guide, you’ll find in-depth information and advice about everything from cyberbullying to mobile costs, your child’s reputation online to Web and mobile security, excessive use of technology to online privacy.
Vodaphone has spoken to digital and parenting experts around the world to bring you the latest advice and information from the people in the know.
Vodaphone's goal is to help parents' make sure they’re up to speed on the very latest issues and challenges, such as location services and sexting.
Vodaphone Digital Parenting Guide
So, if you’ve never played a game on yourchild’s Nintendo Wii, signed up to Facebook,checked out Wikipedia, downloaded a ring tone or stayed in a virtual hotel, have a go.
And, if you’ve never sat down with your son or daughter for a chat about the good things and the difficult things they might come across in the digital world, pull up a chair.
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