To help writers, editors, and content creators write effectively for the Web, Yahoo! has published "The Yahoo! Style Guide: The Ultimate Sourcebook for Writing, Editing, and Creating Content for the Digital World," the first guide of its kind to focus on the specific issues associated with developing content for the online medium.
The Yahoo! Style Guide takes the best of the decades-old AP Stylebook and combines it with the new grammar rules that apply - or should be applied - in today’s online content world.
Yahoo! editors discuss effective writing and editing for an online audience, techniques for streamlining copy, basic Web codes, Internet law, search engine optimization, content strategy and more.
The Yahoo! Style Guide shows how to write for an international audience, an audience that has no borders, significant because the Web has become a one-stop shop for people communicating with others around the globe. The guide is an essential tool for anyone who must write for the Internet with clarity and precision.
The companion website not only features content excerpted from the book but also offers more help and resources from Yahoo! editors. The Yahoo! Style Guide is available in print and digital versions, such as those for iPad, Nook and Kindle.
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