Research released last week by Edelman, the world’s largest independent public relations firm, shows that consumers believe social networks provide a higher value experience compared with other forms of entertainment.
Edelman’s annual Trust in the Entertainment Industry survey, now in its fourth year, also reveals that the Internet, as a source of entertainment, is second only to television.Edelman’s fourth annual Trust in the Entertainment Industry
The survey of 1,000 18-54 year olds in the United States and United Kingdom analyzes the issues that influence consumer trust in entertainment companies.
Key findings
- Study reveals consumers in UK and US recognize social networks as entertainment
- Seventy-three percent of 18-24 year olds in the US and 61 percent in the UK see social networks as a form of entertainment.
- Fifty percent (US) and 56 percent (UK) of respondents aged 35-49 also consider social networking sites as a form of entertainment.
Internet & TV
- In the US, the rise of the internet as a frequent source of entertainment is most dramatic in the 18-34 group, rising from 27 percent in 2009 to 42 percent in 2010.
- In the US, 32 percent of 18-54 year olds look most frequently to the web for entertainment (compared with 58 percent watching TV).
- The internet also ranked second in the UK, with 30 percent turning to the web most frequently, compared with 57 percent watching TV.
- Internet is second only to TV as a frequent “source of entertainment.”
Freedom of Content
- In the 2008 study, free content was the dominant issue. This year’s study shows it is the ability to access content across devices, not cost, that is of significance to consumers.
- 65 percent of US respondents think it is important that they are able to access their entertainment on a number of different devices.
- 59 percent of UK respondents think it is important that they are able to access their entertainment on a number of different devices.
- 58 percent (US) and 53 percent (UK) of consumers state they would be willing to pay for content if they were able to move it across devices.
- Spending on entertainment continues to stay strong according to this year’s results.
- On average, US respondents spend $47 per month on entertainment content.
- On average, UK respondents spend £25 per month on entertainment content.
- 83 percent of US and 76 percent of UK consumers state that ease of purchase influences their decision to pay for content.
- In the UK consumers who think social networking is a form of entertainment are more likely to have spent more money on entertainment in the last year.
Impact on Trust
- Those that state that they trust entertainment companies are also more willing to pay for content.
- Quality (65 percent US and 58 percent UK) and Pricing (65 percent US and 58 percent UK) have the most impact on consumer trust.
- 32 percent of UK consumers and 28 percent of US consumers trust entertainment companies.
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