Oprah Launches Oprah Mobile Apps: The application, available for the iPhone, BlackBerry, Palm Pre and Google Android platforms, offers video clips and previews from Winfrey's talk show, ticket alerts, weekly polls, and articles and photos from Oprah.com, The Oprah Magazine and Oprah Radio.
I have no doubt that Oprah's legion of smartphone carrying fans will make this app a hit! [Venture Beat]
Publishers Guide to Facebook Open Graph: Whether we like it (pun intended) or not, we have to understand what this move means. It impacts users, publishers, competitors and, of course, Facebook itself. In this post, we summarize what Facebook announced and ponder the impact this will have on everyone. Related: Facebook Social Plugins [RWW] [Facebook Developers]
Youth Media iPad Apps to Know: With more and more magazine, publishing and TV execs exploring the
potential of creating interactive, social apps for the iPad, we thought
we'd point to a few of those getting an early start for our latest
Ypulse Toolbox. Related: 5 amazing iPad e-books for kids [Ypulse] [CNET]
Mobile Gaming Soars on Smartphones: Mobile gaming is more than ever a tale of two devices: feature phones and smartphones. The U.S. population playing games on regular mobile phones fell by 35% last year to 29.5 million, while the number of smartphone gamers shot up 60% to 21.4 million, according to a new comScore report. [MediaPost]
7 Quick Steps to Foursquare Marketing: Marketing using Foursquare is beneficial because although a small user
base, they are loyal. It also takes up almost no time, so the ROI can
be high. Foursquare marketing is most appropriate for brick and mortar
businesses (people physically walk into your store to make purchases),
but anyone can be taking advantage of Foursquare. [Real Time Marketer]
Millennials Want Social Sites to Delete User Data: Debunking the oft-repeated assertion that young people don't care about privacy, new research shows that Web users between the ages of 18 and 24 are highly protective of certain information about themselves. [Online Media Daily]
Mom’s Guide to Those Facebook Changes: What do these changes mean? And what should you do if you don’t like the prospect of automatically sharing your activity with everyone you know on Facebook? Related: Facebook Safety Resources for Parents, Teachers & Teens [GigOm] [Barking Robot]
Teen Texting Stats: Anne Collier, author of the must read NetFamilyNews blog and co-founder of ConnectSafely, has a great analysis of the Pew Internet report on teen texting. [NetFamilyNews]
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