Back-to-school pitches go social with Facebook, Twitter Last year, cutting-edge back-to-school marketing for the pop culture-driven brand was all about luring young girls to the website. This year, back-to-school marketing is all about driving discussion in online social-media "communities." [USA Today]
Don't Ignore the Least Common Denominator With the boom of smartphones and mobile applications, it's easy to dismiss SMS as soooo 2000 and late. But in this week's reblog, Fred Wilson of Union Square Ventures stresses the appeal, simplicity, and popularity of the SMS format and begs us to get our heads out of our apps. [MobileBehavior]
Memo to Gen Y: Your Touted Workaholism isn't a badge of Honor I’m getting a little tired of Gen Y bloggers proudly flouting their “workaholism” in post after post of how they love their jobs, don’t see a need for work/life balance anymore and question whether or not their relationships are holding them back. (Spot on Holly!) [Work Love Life]
Hey! Miley: Youth advice slinger Josh Shipp offers unsolicited advice to the Queen of Tween. Yep, he's talking to you Ms. Miley Cyrus. And if you're so inclined, you can also take the "Which Demi Lovato Song Are You" quiz. Although, if you're not a tween, please don't! [Hey Josh!] [LOL Quiz]
Night Texting Putting Teen Health at Risk What most don't know is that too much texting can actually be detrimental to their teens' health. That's because new technologies, such as cellphones and social networking sites, give teenagers easy access to their friends 24 hours a day. (I'm sure this is an issue, but I just hope that parents don't overreact.) [Miami Herald]
Teenage Tom Daley Defies Bullies Daley's success led to him being bullied at school. It got worse when he became more well known and he was eventually forced to change schools. At the time, his father, Rob, said: "In class they throw pens and pencils at him. Some have even threatened to break his legs. That was the last straw." [Guardian UK]
Tweet O' the Week: "The funny thing about the Internet is that we forget that we once thought TV would solve all of our problems too." (via @basler)
I Want My Wireless & Social TV Verizon has launched services that provide mobile application and social networking services on your television. The new service allows customers to access free widgets that connect to social networks Twitter and Facebook, or access a “fantasy football” service from ESPN. Given research showing that Gen Y want more social tv features, this move by Verizon could really pay off.
Meanwhile, a new report by ABI Research states that television manufacturers will ship about 20 million wireless-networked TVs globally in 2011 and consumers will spend about $2.9 billion on video content that's streamed from the Internet to TVs in 2013, up from about $600 million this year. [GoMo News] [Video Business]
Virtual Worlds for Children: In America, nearly 10m children and teenagers visit virtual worlds
regularly, estimates eMarketer, a market researcher—a number the firm
expects to increase to 15m by 2013. Speaking of virtual worlds, this week Shidonni launched a Spanish-language version of its pet-populated virtual world, Tales 4 Tomorrow an eco-friendly virtual world for kids with a strong animal conservation message (via Premise Marketing on Twitter). [Economist] [Virtual World News]
Speed Round: Even more on teens and Twitter, a great list of Mobile Social Networks (MoSo's), in a bold youth play, Microsoft creates a new programming language called Kodu designed for kids and made specifically for creating games & also launches Microsoft Education Labs, turns out that parents share too much on the social web too & STFU, Parents is there to blog it in all it's horror (I love this), Japan to politicians: no Twitter for you, California teen to stand trial in slaying of gay classmate, and finally.....Yahoo! Music has put together a playlist of the Top 10 Songs About Robots! [Unit Structures] [GoMo News] [NextGreatThing] [STFU, Parents] [Inquisitr] [KTLA] [Yahoo! Music]
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