I'm not sure if "smoking smarties" is actually a trend, but I've seen and heard quite a bit of media coverage on the subject the last couple of days and earlier today I overheard some jr. high school kids talking about trying it...the best way to describe "smoking smarties" is to take a look at this video.
I think Advertising-Age did a great summation of this "trend":
Kids have been hip to the phenomenon for quite some time, apparently. Along with the dozens of how-to videos on YouTube, there are many MySpace mentions, a Facebook support group for "all you who are addicted to smoking Smarties," and countless bulletin boards and chat rooms full of smoking-Smarties confessions.
There is definitely a backlash as well, including comments rife with warnings and criticism about the stupidity of it. ("WTF?" is a very common comment.)"
So, for now, let's just put file this under 'so now you know', keep an eye on it and watch how it all pans out. Deal?
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