Looks like history is getting ready to repeat itself. After spending the last couple years scaring parents and kids about predators on the web, a threat which has been widely debunked, it looks like camera phones are the next on the radar.
This tidbit just in courtesy of The Guardian:
Cameraphone perverts of the world beware: the American government is after you.
Well, not the entire government - yet, anyway. According to the Camera Phone Predator Alert Act - a piece of legislation submitted to Congress by New York Republican Peter King - all camphones could be required by law to make a clicking sound when a picture is taken.
The bill, if passed, would require all mobile phones to make an audible "clicking" or "camera shutter" sound. The theory being that this audible cue would alert people in close proximity that someone was taking a picture.
After months of media coverage on sexting, this was inevitable. Let's hope that rational minds will prevail and that Congress and the public take a calm, rational and measured approach to this issue.
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