Citizen Journalist Video via LA Times "Your Scene"
This has been a pretty crazy week here in the canyons of Orange County. The Santiago fire has been raging and filling our canyons with smoke. And the fires at Camp Pendleton have sent even more smoke into the canyon. Luckily the wind has died down and the incredible firefighters from around the state have just about gotten the fire under control. I can't sing their praises enough.
In addition to the flood of citizen journalists who chronicled the fire and shared it with the world, its been amazing to see the entire community pull together and help each other out.
The Red Cross set up an evacuation center at my old high school and they had so many volunteers they had to turn people away. From Malibu to San Diego the story has been the same. When the fires broke out a week ago, I had no doubt that my fellow Californians would step up to the plate and help each other out.
What really caught me by surprise was the outpouring of concern from all the people I've connected with through social networks. I had emails of support and concern from all over the world. I even had a early morning call from Dubai asking if I was safe. Likewise, my Facebook, Twitter, and Flickr friends checked in to make sure I was okay.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that although I knew that I have really made some wonderful friends via social networks, I didn't realize the extent to which those relationships have blossomed.
The outpouring of concern really touched me and reinforced to me that online communities are a powerful and wonderful thing. The line between offline and online community is almost entirely blurred.
So, thank you to everyone who sent a "tweet", email, or made a telephone call. I really appreciate your concern and support. It really meant the world to me. And thanks again to the brave men and women of the OCFD and U.S. Forest Service!
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